Frequenty Asked Questions
How do you pronounce "SWWaG"?
The word SWWaG is pronounced just like "swag" as in swag-bag or swagger.
Who can Join the SWWaG League?
SWWaG is focused on schools located in South West Washington. If you are a Middle or High school located within the bounds of ESD112, ESD113 or ESD114, feel free to reach out to us to join our cooperative.
How much time will be required to run an Esports team?
Running an Esports team does take some commitment of time. The exact time for each team or school may be different, but we foresee the need for only a few hours needed a week.
If a tournament game is to be played weekly, and each game takes less than an hour to set up and play, you would only need to dedicate at least an hour a week for that game. Additional time for practice, setup, other activities, or additional teams/games will require additional time.
These times are estimates.
How did SWWaG get started?
SWWaG is the creation of Matthew Ross, Technology Director at the Napavine School District. He helped start Napavine's Esports program in January 2023 and found the only available tournaments for his middle school players were extremely limiting. Realizing that the other school sports play local schools, he decided to try to replicate that feeling of playing against local rival schools with Esports.
The SWWaG idea was to make it easy for schools to join and play in a semi-formal system. The hopes are that this league encourages schools to play and develop truly competitive teams that can play on state-wide or national levels, and guide students on a path of a possible college track through Esports and its related activities. In addition, Esports is well documented to be a positive influence on students.